Before the earth was removed

Before the earth was removed

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Earth Is Off!!!

Here is the amount of earth on the building at 11:00 this morning.

Jon Soghomonian in the red jacket is helping today along with the rest of the crew, Tom,Melissa,Jenna and Ollie. Jon has pitched in before and as a great carpenter , it is always helpful to have his advice.

Melissa and Jenna with Ollie and Tom in the background still digging.


Melissa Sullivan and Jenna Halloran are in foreground after donating their time to take the final shovel fulls of earth off the gallery!

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Malcolm Wells - Perpetuating His Vision

Deemed the father of modern earth-sheltered architecture, the late Malcolm Wells imagined a future in which society worked with nature, rather than against it. Throughout the restoration of the Underground Art Gallery, those involved are committed to continuing Mr. Wells' work of restoring the earth's surface to a more natural habitat for a sustainable future.

Underground Art Gallery

Underground Art Gallery
Artist's rendering of the Underground Art Gallery in Brewster, MA.