Before the earth was removed

Before the earth was removed

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Roof Progress

Brendan brought Pete Reynolds here this past Friday and on Wednesday the week before. Pete is a good carpenter and I really appreciate his help!

The four are putting a termination bar used to anchor membrane on fascia and high chimneys.

Here Jenna in the foreground is working with Pete, Brendan and Ollie.
This photo is all four working on Friday, Brendan, Pete, Jenna and Ollie.


  1. It seems like they’re very thorough about making progress. It’s so nice that they are working together as a team. I can’t wait to see the chimneys and the overall outcome of this renovation. I bet it would be magnificent!

  2. It's very heartwarming to see a group of people working together. I'm sure the arrival of Pete will be a big help to finish the job in no time. What materials were you planning to use on that chimney? Would you use repro antique bricks for that one?


Malcolm Wells - Perpetuating His Vision

Deemed the father of modern earth-sheltered architecture, the late Malcolm Wells imagined a future in which society worked with nature, rather than against it. Throughout the restoration of the Underground Art Gallery, those involved are committed to continuing Mr. Wells' work of restoring the earth's surface to a more natural habitat for a sustainable future.

Underground Art Gallery

Underground Art Gallery
Artist's rendering of the Underground Art Gallery in Brewster, MA.