Before the earth was removed

Before the earth was removed

Monday, May 7, 2012

Gallery update

Today was a big work day at the Underground Art Gallery. Brendan Shea, Mark Winterer and Ian Smith ...all from Recover Green Roofs Inc. were here to work on the waterproof roof.  Oliver(Ollie) Solmitz was here also to share in the work.  I want to thank Nate Griswold from American Hydrotech for donating the root barrier which will be put on soon

1. First Brendan,Mark and Ian checked all the seams with a cotter pin puller to make sure that seams were all tight. They came across about a dozen (hair-diameter size )spaces to seal.
2. Next they covered the stripping seams to be redundant and make sure they were sealed.
3. Then they installed the dark brown drip edge.
4. A pizza break plus some photos of the old pink insulation that will go on the roof after the root barrier that we are hopeful will be done on Wednesday depending upon weather.

Note the brown drip edge on the front of the gallery!

5. After the old pink insulation , then a drainage layer on top of the insulation and THEN THE EARTH. it would be nice if this could take place around UNDERGROUND AMERICA DAY on May 14th.

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Malcolm Wells - Perpetuating His Vision

Deemed the father of modern earth-sheltered architecture, the late Malcolm Wells imagined a future in which society worked with nature, rather than against it. Throughout the restoration of the Underground Art Gallery, those involved are committed to continuing Mr. Wells' work of restoring the earth's surface to a more natural habitat for a sustainable future.

Underground Art Gallery

Underground Art Gallery
Artist's rendering of the Underground Art Gallery in Brewster, MA.