Before the earth was removed

Before the earth was removed

Friday, December 16, 2011

No Waterproofing Yet!

Here is a photo of the roof of The Underground Art Gallery with the old waterproofing as of today, Friday December 16,2011. Brendan Shea from Recover Green Roofs will not be able to get the waterproofing until the end of December. This means it will not be put on until the beginning of the new year. Then there will be six inches of insulation and then some drainage material. After this we will use the old insulation to put on top of that. About half of the old is still good. It might as well be on top of the gallery doing some good instead of in some land fill. After the new waterproofing goes on, we will wait to make sure that there are no leaks before we proceed further. I hope I have this all straight. If Ollie needs me to make some changes of what I just wrote, I will.

Soon I will put the photo of the gingerbread "underground" house on this blog to give a little comic relief. Two brothers vacationing at their parents' home in Brewster made the house. Last year they constructed Falling Water in gingerbread. First I have to get their names.
We are VERY lucky that we still haven't had freezing weather. It has been in the fifties today.

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Malcolm Wells - Perpetuating His Vision

Deemed the father of modern earth-sheltered architecture, the late Malcolm Wells imagined a future in which society worked with nature, rather than against it. Throughout the restoration of the Underground Art Gallery, those involved are committed to continuing Mr. Wells' work of restoring the earth's surface to a more natural habitat for a sustainable future.

Underground Art Gallery

Underground Art Gallery
Artist's rendering of the Underground Art Gallery in Brewster, MA.